There are agencies which are entrusted with the task of taking actions but they are not adequate. We have CBI which is powerful but not independent. We have CVC which is independent but lacks adequate power to prosecute.
I will try to focus on what as ordinary citizen we can do to tackle this menace.
What's the way out? One thing which citizens should stop thinking or saying is:
1. I am least interested in politics. Let them do whatever they want.
2. What will happen if i change myself? Will the entire country change just because i became a law abiding citizen?
People who think this way are making the system more corrupt is what i feel. Having the belief that we can do our best to tackle corruption is the first step.

There are two approaches here to tackle corruption:
1) One is what can i do and
2) The other is what can government do to ensure the machinery is less corrupt or remove corruption all together. The second part is beyond the control of an ordinary citizen who is fighting to meet his day to day needs. There are activists involved in fighting against corruption and whenever there is an opportunity to support the movement we can play an active role. http://www.indiaagainstcorruption.org/ is a website which gives us plenty of information on the measures which the government is planning to take like Lokpal bill, anti-corruption bill and the loop holes in the proposed system. They are fighting the battle at a high level and we can support them.
I would focus more on what as an individual we can contribute to stop or curtail this menace called Corruption.
Let us take a simple example here. I am caught by a policeman entering a one way road. The official fine is say 200Rs. What I tend to think is if i give the policeman 50Rs he will let me go. I offer him. He is expecting the same. He accepts it gracefully. Am happy that i saved 150 Rs. :) I made a mistake in the first place by entering a one-way road which i knew about it. And i offer a bribe to get away it. You might think i am trivializing the corruption issue but this is what happens to most of us. The same could apply to not having a Driving license, insurance. We always end up making a mistake and then offer bribe to get away. Can we take a pledge not to offer bribe and pay the actual fine for our mistake. We will be more cautious once we have paid fine. The probability of that happening again will be remote.
Another area which citizens get affected most is while purchasing land and constructing house. There are many departments out there which we often need to interact. And we end up bribing them to get the things done quickly. I know if we don't offer bribe things will get delayed. He may not do our work first time, and perhaps second time also but when we know we are right we can ensure that the work gets done quickly.
I feel mobiles can be effectively used to tackle corruption. Record a conversation where he is asking money. Contact lokayukta officials in your city. Inform them. There are honest upright officials working there. They will definitely help you. The process might take time but it is the price which we need to pay to tackle this menace.
I am a firm believer that small things like this will make a substantial difference. A week back two individuals from a village successfully ensured that a special DC Ramanjaneya was caught while taking bribe with the help of Lokayukta officials. (http://www.deccanherald.com/content/116690/urban-special-dc-2-others.html)
I know you might say the person caught will walk away at some point of time. Fact is it is beyond our control. The anti-corruption institution needs to strengthened and it will take some time. But let us do our job.
Please do not think that i am trivializing a big issue like corruption by taking a simple case on what we can do. I still believe it is in our hands. If every one of us takes a pledge not to bribe anyone this country can definitely be a better place to live with.
Take a pause and think twice before you offer a bribe next time :)

ell composed article...would have loved to see more options though...at the end of the day, every individual is driven by a need, a need to minimize expense and maximize income....loops within the system will allow the corrupt to exploit...what it takes is leadership or rather leadership-based doctrines coupled with severe liabilities and punishment...corruption is not a matter of action-reaction, its a question of mind over matter.
Corruption is an eternal thing. We can see this in our Epics, Stories of Tenali Rama, Birbal etc. A common man can know about this because of the bold whistle blowers and the competition (un-healthy) of the media to increase their popularity. The sad part is that the am-admi has come to terms with this situation and doesn’t revolt against it (may be he would be in this vicious circle in some form or the other).
What is needed in Individual is a 'will' and 'consciousness'without which this practice of bribe giving ass well as bribe taking will not stop.In this connection the website of ipaidabribe is a good initiative to bring out the truth.
Corruption begins at home.
You spoke the views of millions and suggested different ways.I would like to add here that the people who represent us in democracy must be screened properly.This will certainly bring the level down.
Corruption .... way out or way in.. is individual specific.. Corruption is a part and parcel of the society.. but it all depends on the stance we as individuals take against it... if i take a stance against corruption there is definitely a way out.... But generally we are all interested in shortcuts and easy way of getting things done and we ourselvels pay way to it. I have seen people who does not heed to shortcuts and go against corrupting individuals. They have successfully got their jobs done even from govt offices without spending money but investing their time
Corruption begins when mommy pacifies her brat to shut up.
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